
The non-stop July rains have done the mushroom population right. Everywhere you look bits of fungi rear there caps. Pushing up through layers of leafy carpet, the fruiting bodies of the largest organism in the forest are ready for there

Stick Construction

Up from the dirt, the concrete pokes, beckoning to the woodpiles scattered over the ground. Nails and saws, ladders, and Tyvek, what memories will these floors hold?

Stella Photo Shoot 3

When the kitty jumps up on the window ledge during golden hour, there is only one option.

Oh sweet summer time. The snows have been replaced by showers, while the puppy requires walks for hours. Installing staircases to the moon, with high up views that makes us swoon. Was it but just yesterday that winter weather took

eggs in nest

Time for nesting and holding tight to the offspring of the future is here. Deep in biology, mama’s count eggs with anticipation. Hour upon hour, brooding over oblong spheres of yearning. Protecting carefully a constructed nests that envelope hopes and

The rain falls. The plants grow. Out of the earth, structures rise. Held with air and water they reach for the heavens. Stick construction holds us close. Our homes, rotting trees, dream of yesterday when the reaching was all. Nail

Winter flicks off like a switch and the heat starts pounding. Like clock-work the plants poke their heads from the ground and reach for the sky. How many times has this same dance repeated? How many more times will it

The hope of spring lived in your breast, the promise of warmer days to come. Without warning, your flight did end, we did not see where from. You will be missed my little friend, your chirping days are done.

Up through the earth pushing into the light. Reaching skyward a colorful birth right. Inch by inch opening wide. Spring is coming, hold on for a ride.

